About Me

Who Am I

I'm a bilingual frontend developer who is working on his full stack citizenship. I love attending tech meetups and working alongside other highly motivated developers. I have a passion for clean, performant and a11y code. A healthy culture and a team that works well together is very important to me.

From Carpenter to Developer

During the winter of 2015, I decided to stop my career as a carpenter and pursue the life of a developer. I began by taking courses on Team Treehouse, then moved onto creating projects with what I had learned. 10 months later, I got a mentorship with SimpTek. A month after my mentorship, they wanted to officially hire me full time, at which point I kept working hard to climb up the ladder of responsibilities. To this day, I continue to learn new technologies, work on side projects and go to code meetups.



I am a self-taught developer who mostly learned by:

  • Collaborating on projects

  • Reading documentation

  • Taking online courses

  • Reverse engineering

  • Reading other developers blocks

  • Listening to Frontend podcasts

  • Reviewing the work of my peers

  • Through my work

  • Attending meetups



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • Styled Component
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Gatsby
  • React Redux
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Gsap (Greenstock)
  • GraphQl
  • Liquid
  • Tailwind

Frontend Proficiencies

  • a11y (Accessibility)
  • SEO
  • Google Search Console
  • Schema.org/Rich Markup
  • Setting up multiple environments
  • Eslint
  • API
  • Implementing UI libraries
  • Shopify
  • Email building
  • Custom gmail signature
  • Formatting print page
  • Populating Google Sheets with data
  • Deploy code to production
  • Vercel SWR
  • Zod
  • Next.js Server Components
  • Miro
  • Iframe embeds

Project Management Platforms

  • Monday
  • Asana
  • Trello - Atlassian
  • Jira - Atlassian
  • Confluence - Atlassian
  • Linear

Other 3rd Party Platforms

  • Contentful
  • Netlify
  • Vercel
  • Authentication - Supabase
  • Database - Supabase
  • Github
  • GitLab
  • Slack

Experience In

  • Team Lead
  • Project manager
  • Conducting efficient meetings
  • Conducting product demos
  • Writing documentation
  • Design feedback & review
  • Mentor junior developers


React Frontend Developer

July 2023 - January 2024Onsite & RemoteMontreal, Quebec

Livescale is a live shopping platform that integrates real-time video with e-commerce to provide interactive and engaging shopping experiences. It offers businesses tools to host live video events, manage audience interactions, and facilitate instant purchases.

  • Worked on multiple applications/projects using Typescript with NextJS version 13

  • Managed my own projects

  • Presented Demo's to other internal departments

  • Offer quick response to emergencies

  • Created a Shopify app and Shopify embed app

  • Created a script for our clients to use that allowed them to embed a live room experience on their website.

  • Worked with Mux Player and Mux Uploader

  • Worked with Tailwind and Storybook

  • Created documentations

  • Collaborate with our Designer to optimize customer experience

React Frontend Developer Freelancer

January 2022 - CurrentRemoteMontreal, Quebec

The project I am working on for Spafax is https://enroute.aircanada.com. It is a blog platform that is built in such a way that allows my client and their team of editors to create and adjust custom pages without having to use up any additional developer time.

  • In direct communication with my clients via Slack, Monday.com & video calls

  • In charge of ensuring great SEO

  • Always evaluating ROI feedback on optimizations they may or may not have requested

  • Offer quick response to emergencies

  • Capable of quickly reverting the site's version via the use of Netlify

  • Enable editors to have autonomy over page creation with the use of templates and modules (lego blocks) on Contentful

  • All pages have an English and French version

  • Pages are generated statically with the use of Gatsby

React Frontend Developer

February 2022 - July 2022RemoteMontreal, Quebec

Using the Renorun platform, a user can order and have building materials delivered within hours of their purchase.

  • Built React features using React Redux global state management

  • Handled payment related tasks

  • Used Agile Methodology project management approach

  • Frequently performed Code Reviews

  • Participated in many lunch and learns & retro specs

  • Reviewed and gave feedback on designs

  • Wrote and managed project scopes

  • Create tasks based on project scopes I would write

React Frontend Developer

January 2020 - December 2021Onsite & RemoteMontreal, Quebec

Pact is a consultant agency that handles everything from Frontend, Backend, DevOps, Design, SEO, Accessibility Compliance, Copy, ... anything website related, we did it.

  • Create and implement the projects CMS (Contentful mostly)

  • Offer support to the Shopify developers

  • Jump from project to project to implement Accessibility best practices

  • Build projects from start to finish

  • Inherit projects, improve and maintain them

  • In direct communication with my clients

  • Offer quick response to emergencies

  • Always evaluating ROI feedback on optimizations they may or may not have requested

Frontend Developer Freelancer

February 2019 - April 2019OnsiteMontreal, Quebec

Using the Renorun platform, a user can order and have building materials delivered within hours of their purchase.

  • Help their team of Dart and Angular* (I can't remember the version they used) developers with some Bootstrap marketplace template

  • Offered support in Angular*

  • Attend and lead meetings

Angular Frontend Developer & Team Lead

December 2016 - February 2019OnsiteFredericton, New-Brunswick

SimpTek was a startup company that focused on big data energy analytics. They would install hardware in user's home which would then display useful information in regard to their power usage on a Dashboard they had access too.

  • Create new or adjust previous processes

  • Delegate tasks to the Front-End team

  • Held Frontend interviews

  • Held performance reviews

  • Ensure no one within the tech team was blocked and if they were, work toward unblocking them

  • Represented the tech team in meetings

  • Research on new technologies to better the efficiency and effectiveness of the Tech Team

  • Wrote many documentations such as project scope, feature definitions, processes, terminology/definitions related goods

  • Lead sprints and their retro specs

  • Conducted demo’s of the current product & upcoming features

  • Created, tested and managed custom emails

  • Worked on both version 1 and 2 of their dashboard

  • Worked on both version 1 and 2 of their marketing site